Hair Care Tips For Summer

Elisha Chauhan
2 min readJul 2, 2021

The season of constant sweating and irritation is at our doorstep, which means, you need to go the extra mile to take care of your hair. Presenting five essential tips that you need to take into account to ensure that your precious mane is safe from the harsh effects of this hot weather:

  • Use SPF protection/Cover-up
    The number one tip is also the most important tip of the lot. During summer, your hair’s constant interaction with the sun can lead to loss of moisture, color, and overall health. Therefore, coat your hair with an SPF spray or lotion before you step out. Better still, carry an umbrella or a soft scarf to keep your hair prevented from the sun’s harsh UVA and UVB rays.
  • Avoid using too many styling products
    With hair prone to excessive dryness and lack of moisture already, the last thing you want is to add to it. Adapt to air drying your hair as much as possible instead of blow-drying it. You need to keep your hair moisturized and healthy as sweating and humidity can add to the breakage.
  • Coat your hair in coconut oil before jumping into the pool
    Did you know that the chlorine and salt content in pool water can cause scalp infections? Moreover, it’s extremely unhealthy for your hair color and attacks it adversely. To save yourself from the trauma, coat a layer of coconut oil before you head for a swim; coconut oil is an excellent preventive measure that acts as a barrier between your hair and the water. Don’t forget to shampoo your hair later!
  • Put your hair in loose, comfy hairstyles
    Tight hairstyles add to the frizz and put deep pressure onto the roots of your hair. Summer is all about loose, playful hairstyles which not only look good but keep you feeling free. Go for casual fishtail braids, loose buns, and half-up-half-down hairstyles.



Elisha Chauhan

Elisha is a US based educator, polymath, medalist & founder of EdTech company Hair and Beauty Tour LLC, world’s first blended learning and gamified platform.